Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Your Voice...

My darling Batsy;

Every time I see a phone call coming in from your area code I have to stop everything and take it.  I am so happy that you call even when you aren't supposed to.  It makes me feel special, that you would bend the rules for me.  I do want you to abide by the rules, but I am also very selfish about our phone time.  Writing you and receiving your letters is wonderful...because I know that the written word will last as long as the paper does.  The words don't morph or fade, as a memory can.  But it also doesn't have the personality and the depth that your sweet and sexy voice brings to my ears.  My eyes light up and I smile with every call.  Because I know I will have 15 minutes of uninterrupted Us time.  And since you have such limited time right now, I feel lucky.

I have posted once again on facebook how much I love you, and how much I miss you.  It's freeing, having a facebook for everyone but family.  I don't feel judged.  And I can write whatever I want.  And I don't have to hide Us just to avoid snarky comments and a fight.

Pearl looked like she was gaining weight for a while, but now she seems to be getting skinny again.  I don't see any worms.... OH!  Funny thing about Piggie....I had to carry his sorry ass down the stairs the other day because he falls down them due to the slippery nature of the stairs and his long legs and gangly frame.  So I found these dog snow shoes that I had purchased while we were in Colorado.  I have pink ones for Pearl and blue ones for Piggie.  I can't find Pearl's, but I took the blue ones and put them on Piggie's front feet.  He did great!  He was a high-stepping fool for a few minutes, but then he tolerated them very well!  He went up and down the stairs without a hitch!  And I gave him a bath a couple of days ago and used my shampoo *and* conditioner....his fur is luxuriously soft now.  Yay!  Pearl never did take too well to the booties....she tried to eat them off her feet. 

I am smothered with mosquito bites.  Yesterday when I got home from work, I trimmed 35 lbs of branches off of the bushes with purple flowers.  And i trimmed up a palm tree.  And pulled some weeds.  And I even got half the front lawn mowed before I nearly collapsed from heat stroke.  Scott finished the lawn and then watered it all.  Then later on I woke up in the middle of the night with reflux so bad I think I aspirated some.  My lungs have been burning ever since.  Breathing sucks. 

Fuck this shit.  I love you.  My arms crave your presence.  My skin wishes to feel the electricity of yours when we touch.  F Scott Fitzgerald says "there are many types of love in the world, but never the same love twice."  How right is that....I am so in love with you.  I am so proud of all the steps you are taking to be a better man.  I love how, every time we talk, you are telling me more and more and being so transparent.  You've given your heart to me and your mind is following....it is the most precious gift a girl could ask for.  Every day my mind is set on NOT breaking your heart.  The very last thing I want to do is fuck over a perfectly good love story like ours.

Who would've thunk?  Harley and Batman?  Batsy goes for the Wonder Women.....the classy, smart, Amazonian women who have it all together.  Not the silly, love-addled villainous sidekick of a clown....I mean, yeah I am smart and all.  But I am a knucklehead.  I am goofy and scatterbrained and naive.  I hardly know my ass from a door knocker from day to day.  I am only in my element at work - fixing furbabies and practicing medicine.  I am damn good at what I do, but I know it doesn't interest you much.  That makes me a little sad....because so many exciting things go on at work that I would love to share with you.  I know you don't like sad things - but it's the sad stuff that makes the happy stuff all the better!  And without letting in the sad, you can never truly be happy, my Love.

I will leave you with a quote:
"To believe that we can and MUST hide the parts of us that are broken, out of fear that others are incapable of loving the parts of us that we cannot love ourselves, is to believe that sunshine is incapable of entering a broken window and warming an empty room"
~Sandra Kring

Love always and forever;
Harley Jane Quinn

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